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ፈለገን እንባ ተናነቀው Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

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Mezmur_Yared,Mezmur yared
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መዝሙረ ያሬድ
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ሶፊያ ሽባባው
ዲያቆን ዘማርያም
መሪጌታ ሙሴ
ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ መልስ አላት | ortodox tewahdo mels alat
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የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች || ye kidus mikael mezmuroch || Saint Mikael Mezmur
የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች || ye kidus mikael mezmuroch || Saint Mikael Mezmur Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች || ye kidus mikael mezmuroch || Saint Mikael Mezmur
ሚካኤል ስለው ዘማሪት ምርትነሽ ጥላሁን ||
ኦ ሚካኤል የቅዱስ ሚካኤል ተወዳጅ ዝማሬ ||
ብዙ ልጆች አሉት ሊቀ መዘምራን ቴዎድሮስ ||
በበረሐው በሀሩሩ ዘ/ሪት ፀዳለ ጎበዜ ||
Ye Kidus Mikael Mezmur ||
የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች 2 ||
እንዲሁም በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን ላይ ብዙ አስተማሪ ትምህርቶችን ታገኛላቹ ። ተቀላቀሉን
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የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች,የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙር,#የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች,ቅዱስ ሚካኤል,የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች mikael mezmur,የ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች,ቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙር,የሚካኤል መዝሙሮች,የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች፣,የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች ስብስብ,የተመረጡ የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች ስብስብ,የቅዱስ ሚካኤል በዓል መዝሙሮች [mikael mezmur],ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ፊልም,ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ፈጥኖ,ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ድርሳን,የሊቀ መዘምራን ቴዎድሮስ ዮሴፍ የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙሮች፣,ቅዱስ ሚካኤል mezmur,የቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙር ግጥም,የመላአኩ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል መዝሙር,የቅዱስ ሚካኤል ወረብ,ሚካኤል መዝሙር,ሚካኤል,ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ትግርኛ መዝሙር,የሚካኤል መዝሙሮች ስብስብ

Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Mezmur.

ሃሌ ሉያ። እግዚአብሔርን በመቅደሱ አመስግኑት፤ በኃይሉ ጠፈር አመስግኑት። በችሎቱ አመስግኑት፤ በታላቅነቱ ብዛት አመስግኑት። በመለከት ድምፅ አመስግኑት፤ በበገናና በመሰንቆ አመስግኑት። በከበሮና በዘፈን አመስግኑት፤ በአውታርና በእምቢልታ አመስግኑት። ድምፁ መልካም በሆነ ጸናጽል አመስግኑት፤ እልልታ ባለው ጸናጽል አመስግኑት። እስትንፋስ ያለው ሁሉ እግዚአብሔርን ያመስግን። ሃሌ ሉያ።

Mezmur (መዝሙር)(መዝሙሮች): means Spiritual songs, may be described as the songs which are spontaneous and are inspired by the Holy Spirit itself. They are also referred to as a type of Psalm. In the Book of Psalms the poems are titled under “song” or “hymn.” Praise songs or worship songs are those songs where music is the main feature of the song and is accompanied by many different instruments. These songs may be influenced by different cultures and music also. Amazing Ethiopian Orthodox songs ምርጥ መዝሙሮች orthodox mezmur new collection mariam mezmuroch 2020 new orthodox songs arsema tube.

Zearyam, ዘአርያም, Ethiopian orthodox mezmur, ye maryam mezmur, mahtot tube, zemari tewodros yosef.

ዝማሬ መላእክት ያሰማልን ሳይሉ እንዳያልፉ።

🔴NEW የጽዮን ማርያም | የእመቤታችን የቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም [Mariam Mezmur] መዝሙር ስብስብ ‪@meazakidusan22
🔴NEW የጽዮን ማርያም | የእመቤታችን የቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም [Mariam Mezmur] መዝሙር ስብስብ ‪@meazakidusan22 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

#አዲስ_የኢትዮጵያ_ኦርቶዶክስ_መዝሙር #newmezmur #nonstop
#Orthodox_mezmur #mariam #Mariyam_mezmur #የማርያም_መዝሙር #tsion_mariyam #tsion #tsion_mariam #አዲስ_መዝሙር #Hidar_21 #ጽዮን #ማርያም #eotc #mezmurcollection #newmezmur
#Orthodox_mezmur #የማርያም_መዝሙር_ስብስብ #mariam #nonstop #orthodox #ethiopian
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እንዘ ይብሉ# Enze yblu# Orthodox #Tewahdo #mezmur# ዘመርቲ ዲ.የዉሓንስ ፡ ኣቤል፡ ሳንድሮ፡ዩኤል፡ሳይሞን፡ሄርሜላ፡ራህዋ፡ቅሳነት
እንዘ ይብሉ# Enze yblu# Orthodox #Tewahdo #mezmur# ዘመርቲ ዲ.የዉሓንስ ፡ ኣቤል፡ ሳንድሮ፡ዩኤል፡ሳይሞን፡ሄርሜላ፡ራህዋ፡ቅሳነት Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

@ ሰላም ነዛ ቪድዮ ካብ'ዚ ዳዉንሎድ ምግባር ንዘመርቲ ብዙሕ ጉድኣት ስለ ዘለዎ ዳዉንሎድ ምግባርን ብኢድ ዋኒንካ ምዝርጋሕ ክልኩል እዩ እንተ ክኢልኩም ሸር ብምግባር ሊንክ ብምስዳድ ክትሕጉዙና ከምእዉን subscribe ብምግባር ክትድግፉና ብሰናይ ይቅሬታ ክንሕብር ንፈቱ።

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ማርያም - Kab Maamuk Lbey -Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem : Orthodox Tewahido Mezmur 2018
ማርያም - Kab Maamuk Lbey -Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem : Orthodox Tewahido Mezmur 2018 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Eritrean community, Eritrean choir, Eritrean praise, Worship songs, Eritrean music, Christian music, Orthodox music, Eritrean faith, Gospel songs, Mezmur, Eritrean culture, Eritrean church, Orthodox hymns, Ethiopian Orthodox

Watch ማርያም perform an epic rendition of "Kab Maamuk Lbey" alongside the talented Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem! This unforgettable collaboration will leave you mesmerized with its soulful vocals and captivating traditional rhythms. Get ready to groove to the infectious beats and let the beauty of Ethiopian music take over!
Ethiopian music, Gospel music, Christian music, worship music, traditional music, Zemari Bereket, Mezmur, 2018, ማርያም, spiritual songs, Ethiopian Orthodox, Orthodox Tewahido

Kab Maamuk Libey:
Zemari Bereket Tikue
Zemarit Mari Alem

Eritrean Orthodox Mezmur -Tigrinya
Apple Music :

#Debeseymezmur #Eritreaorthodoxtewahdo


Eritrean community, Eritrean choir, Eritrean praise, Worship songs, Eritrean music, Christian music, Orthodox music, Eritrean faith, Gospel songs, Mezmur, Eritrean culture, Eritrean church, Orthodox hymns, Ethiopian Orthodox

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#tewahido church #tigray #zemari bereket tikue #eritrean mezmur 2021 #new tigrinya mezmur

ስምኪ ጸዊዐ ||ዘ.ሜሪ-ኣለም||#NEW #ORTHODOX #TEWAHDO #COVER #MEZMUR||Smki-Xewie ||Z.MERI-ALEM|| 2024©
ስምኪ ጸዊዐ ||ዘ.ሜሪ-ኣለም||#NEW #ORTHODOX #TEWAHDO #COVER #MEZMUR||Smki-Xewie ||Z.MERI-ALEM|| 2024© Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

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#orthodox, #Ethiopian orthodox,#Tigrinya mezmur, #Amharic Mezmur, #Addis Ababa,Teahdo mezmur, #Debesey Mezmur, #orthodoxSubscribe#Eritrea orthodox, #Ethiopian orthodox,#Tigrinyamezmur, #Amharic Mezmur, #Addis Ababa, #Teahdomezmur, #Debesey Mezmur, #orthodoxtewahido,ethiopian news,seifu on ebs,ethiopianorthodox #church,#ethiopian orthodoxtewahedo,#orthodox sibket,daniel kibret,#begenamezmur,#ethiopian #orthodox #sibket,#ethiopian #orthodoxmezmur #new,eritrean #music, #Eritrea #orthodoxtewahdo,amharic mezmur,#eritrea #orthodoxtewahdo,#bereket tikue,#keyari tarikey,#bereket tikuemezmur#tewahido church #tigray #zemari bereket tikue#eritrean mezmur 2021 #new tigrinya mezmur#Eritrea orthodox #tewahdoeritrean #musicethiopian #orthodox #mezmur mariamethiopian #orthodox #mezmur newethiopian #orthodox #mezmurethiopian orthodox #sibketbegena #mezmurdaniel kibretorthodox #sibketethiopian #orthodox tewahidoethiopian #orthodox #tewahedotewahido churchethiopian #orthodox #churchseifu #on ebsethiopian #newsorthodox#tewahidoDebesey MezmurTeahdo#mezmurAddis#AbabaAmharic #MezmurTigrinya #mezmurEthiopian #orthodoxEritrea #orthodoxeritrean #musicEritrea orthodox#tewahdoethiopian #orthodox #sibketbegena #mezmurdaniel #kibretorthodox sibket#ethiopian #orthodox #tewahedoethiopian #orthodox #churchseifu on ebsethiopian news#orthodox #tewahidoAddis #AbabaAmharic #MezmurTigrinya #mezmur#Ethiopian orthodox#Eritrea orthodox#Hidmonanew #eritrean movie 2020#Debesey #Mezmurethiopian #orthodox mezmur #mariamethiopian #orthodox mezmurTeahdo #mezmurnihemiamusic #eritreaeritrea #musiccomedy of #eritreaeritrea #comedyhidmona #comedywarwartaeritrean #filmeritrean #movie #2020eritrean music #2020eritrean #comedyeritrean #movieeritrean film #2020best #eritrean #film #2024New eritrean #comedy 2020hdmona #tvhabesha #comedyhabesha#music#HDMONA #NEBARITMahlet#Eritreanethiopian#orthodox #mezmur#Bereketeritrea#orthodox#tewahdoethiopian #orthodox tewahido#tewahido#churchamharic mezmurShegye#Shegitubest#music#NewEritrean Music #2020Ethiopia#musicRora#New#ethiopian #tigrignaadmas#Amharic#TigrayATAEritrea #orthodox#tewahdo/#eritrean#music/#ethiopianorthodox#mezmur#mariam/#ethiopian #orthodoxmezmur#new/#ethiopian#orthodox #mezmur/#ethiopianorthodox#sibket/#begena #mezmur/#daniel#kibret/#orthodox#sibket/#ethiopian#orthodox#tewahido

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ዜማ ውዳሴ ማርያም:
ውዳሴ ማርያም:


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ሰብስክራይብ አርገው ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ 🙏

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ማርያም ተዓቢ እምኩሉ ፍጥረት፣ ኢያውአያ እሳተ መለኮት። Mariam TeAbi Emkulu Ftiret Eyawaya Esate Melekot EOTC Mezmur
ማርያም ተዓቢ እምኩሉ ፍጥረት፣ ኢያውአያ እሳተ መለኮት። Mariam TeAbi Emkulu Ftiret Eyawaya Esate Melekot EOTC Mezmur Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

ከበሮ፣ ጭብጨባና እልልታ የሌለው
ለዓቢይ ጾም የተዘጋጀ ያሬዳዊ መዝሙር
No kebero, clapping and Elilta, for the season of lent

ማርያም ተዓቢ እምኩሉ ፍጥረት፣ ኢያውአያ እሳተ መለኮት። Mariam TeAbi Emkulu Fitiret Eyawaya Esate Melekot

Yaredawi Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church mezmur, originated by kidus yared of Axum ያሬዳዊ ዘኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ቤተ ክርስቲያን መዝሙር
የቀሩት ግሩምና ድንቅ ያሬዳዊ መዝሙራት ለማዳመጥ ከላይ ያለውን ሊንክ ይጫኑ። አዳዲስ መዝሙራት ስንጭን እንዲደርሶት Subscsribe የሚለው መጫንዎም አይርሱ። የፈጣሪያችን የቅድስት ሥላሴ ቸርነትና ጥበቃ፣ የእመቤታችንና እናታችን ቅድስት ፅዮን ማርያም አማላጅነትና ጸሎት፣ የቅዱሳኑ ሁሉ በረከትና ረድኤት ቤተሰቦቻችሁ ጋር ይደርባችሁ! ከታች የሚታየው የgofundme ሊንክ በመጫን የቤተ መቅደስ ሥራ ላይ በመሳተፍ ተባረኩ! ተቀደሱ!

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