ፍቅር እና ሽሮ፡ Single Guy Picks A Date Based On Their Shiro || 🤌ጉርሻ ጋንግ /Gursha Gang Ep: 7🤌
Vic is obsessed with Shiro so we found three lovely ladies to cook it for him. Who will win a date with this handsome bachelor? 👩🍳🥰
If you like this, you’ll love our speed dating event happening this Friday! (Oct 18) sign up through this link https://chapa.events/to/dink-speed-dating-oct
ቪክ ሶስቱ ቆነጃጂቶች የሰሩትን ሽሮ ለመቅመስ ጓግቷል። የትኛዋ እድለኛ ትሆን ከዚህ መልከመልካም ወንድ ጋር ብላይንዴት የምትወጣው?
በቀጣይ ዝግጅታችን ላይ ልመቅረግ ይፈልጋሉ? እንግዲያውስ ለመመዝገብ ከታች ያለዉን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ።
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