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167 - Ab Bettelihem (ኣብ ቤትልሔም) -Tehadso Asmara - Mezmur Catholic
167 - Ab Bettelihem (ኣብ ቤትልሔም) -Tehadso Asmara - Mezmur Catholic Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

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ላጤ ፍቅርን ፍለጋ ክፍል 9 || Best Friends Decide Who Stays & Who Goes! 💔💍 || Latéy Episode 9
ላጤ ፍቅርን ፍለጋ ክፍል 9 || Best Friends Decide Who Stays & Who Goes! 💔💍 || Latéy Episode 9 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

The stakes have never been higher! In Latéy Episode 9, the final three girls cook a special meal for the bachelor, Messaya, but this time, it's not just about the food—their best friends and Messaya’s best friend hold the power of elimination! 😱🔥

Messaya’s best friend, who knows him better than anyone, is here to analyze the girls and help him choose wisely. At the same time, the girls' best friends meet Messaya to see if he’s really the right choice for their friend! 👀💬

💔 With best friends making the call, will emotions run high?
💍 Who will win their approval and move forward?
🔥 And who will say goodbye forever?

This episode is filled with deep conversations, tough decisions, and intense emotions as friendships and love are put to the ultimate test! ❤️💣

👉 Don’t miss this dramatic and game-changing episode! Hit LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to Dink TV for all the latest drama, romance, and surprises! 🎬📺

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ስምኪ ጸዊዐ ||ዘ.ሜሪ-ኣለም||#NEW #ORTHODOX #TEWAHDO #COVER #MEZMUR||Smki-Xewie ||Z.MERI-ALEM|| 2024©
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ማርያም - Kab Maamuk Lbey -Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem : Orthodox Tewahido Mezmur 2018
ማርያም - Kab Maamuk Lbey -Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem : Orthodox Tewahido Mezmur 2018 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Eritrean community, Eritrean choir, Eritrean praise, Worship songs, Eritrean music, Christian music, Orthodox music, Eritrean faith, Gospel songs, Mezmur, Eritrean culture, Eritrean church, Orthodox hymns, Ethiopian Orthodox

Watch ማርያም perform an epic rendition of "Kab Maamuk Lbey" alongside the talented Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem! This unforgettable collaboration will leave you mesmerized with its soulful vocals and captivating traditional rhythms. Get ready to groove to the infectious beats and let the beauty of Ethiopian music take over!
Ethiopian music, Gospel music, Christian music, worship music, traditional music, Zemari Bereket, Mezmur, 2018, ማርያም, spiritual songs, Ethiopian Orthodox, Orthodox Tewahido

Kab Maamuk Libey:
Zemari Bereket Tikue
Zemarit Mari Alem

Eritrean Orthodox Mezmur -Tigrinya
Apple Music :

#Debeseymezmur #Eritreaorthodoxtewahdo


Eritrean community, Eritrean choir, Eritrean praise, Worship songs, Eritrean music, Christian music, Orthodox music, Eritrean faith, Gospel songs, Mezmur, Eritrean culture, Eritrean church, Orthodox hymns, Ethiopian Orthodox

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#tewahido church #tigray #zemari bereket tikue #eritrean mezmur 2021 #new tigrinya mezmur

አኑሮኛል ቸርነትህ - ዘማሪት ምርትነሽ ጥላሁን (Official Audio)
አኑሮኛል ቸርነትህ - ዘማሪት ምርትነሽ ጥላሁን (Official Audio) Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Anurognal Cherinetih by Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Mezmur)

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