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ማርያም - Kab Maamuk Lbey -Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem : Orthodox Tewahido Mezmur 2018
ማርያም - Kab Maamuk Lbey -Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem : Orthodox Tewahido Mezmur 2018 Bluegram 1 Views • 2 days ago

Eritrean community, Eritrean choir, Eritrean praise, Worship songs, Eritrean music, Christian music, Orthodox music, Eritrean faith, Gospel songs, Mezmur, Eritrean culture, Eritrean church, Orthodox hymns, Ethiopian Orthodox

Watch ማርያም perform an epic rendition of "Kab Maamuk Lbey" alongside the talented Zemari Bereket Tikue and Zemarit Meri Alem! This unforgettable collaboration will leave you mesmerized with its soulful vocals and captivating traditional rhythms. Get ready to groove to the infectious beats and let the beauty of Ethiopian music take over!
Ethiopian music, Gospel music, Christian music, worship music, traditional music, Zemari Bereket, Mezmur, 2018, ማርያም, spiritual songs, Ethiopian Orthodox, Orthodox Tewahido

Kab Maamuk Libey:
Zemari Bereket Tikue
Zemarit Mari Alem

Eritrean Orthodox Mezmur -Tigrinya
Apple Music :

#Debeseymezmur #Eritreaorthodoxtewahdo


Eritrean community, Eritrean choir, Eritrean praise, Worship songs, Eritrean music, Christian music, Orthodox music, Eritrean faith, Gospel songs, Mezmur, Eritrean culture, Eritrean church, Orthodox hymns, Ethiopian Orthodox

Eritrea orthodox, #ethiopiaorthodoxmezmur orthodox,#Tigrinya mezmur, #Amharic Mezmur, #Addis Ababa,Teahdo mezmur, #Debesey Mezmur, #orthodox tewahido,ethiopian news,seifu on ebs,ethiopian orthodox church,ethiopian orthodox tewahedo,orthodox sibket,daniel kibret,begena mezmur,ethiopian orthodox sibket,ethiopian orthodox mezmur new,eritrean music,Eritrea orthodox tewahdo,amharic mezmur,eritrea orthodox tewahdo,bereket tikue,keyari tarikey,bereket tikue mezmur
#tewahido church #tigray #zemari bereket tikue #eritrean mezmur 2021 #new tigrinya mezmur

ስምኪ ጸዊዐ ||ዘ.ሜሪ-ኣለም||#NEW #ORTHODOX #TEWAHDO #COVER #MEZMUR||Smki-Xewie ||Z.MERI-ALEM|| 2024©
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ዜማ ውዳሴ ማርያም:
ውዳሴ ማርያም:


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የእመቤቴ ማርያም መዝሙር | Ethiopian orthodox spiritual songs Mezmur
የእመቤቴ ማርያም መዝሙር | Ethiopian orthodox spiritual songs Mezmur Bluegram 1 Views • 2 days ago

#Orthodox_mezmur #የማርያም_መዝሙር #mariam
በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሀዱ አምላክ አሜን
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ውድ ተመልካቾች እግዚአብሔር ፈቅዶና ወዶ እንኳን ወደዚ ቻናል በሰላም መጣቹ ይህ ቻናል የተለያዩ መልእክቶች ያላቸውን ለነፍሶ ብርታትን፣ለህይወቶ ፍሬ ነገርን የሚያስጨብጡ ቪድዮችን የሚከታተሉበት ነው
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