
Kndi Kulu (ክንዲ ኩሉ) | New Eritrean Catholic Mezmur | Temesgen Tesfamariam
Kndi Kulu (ክንዲ ኩሉ) | New Eritrean Catholic Mezmur | Temesgen Tesfamariam Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

ክንዲ ኩሉ
ብዘማሪ ተመስገን ተስፋማርያም

እግዚኣብሔር ኵሉ ሳዕ ምሳይ ከም ዝኾነ ይፈልጥ እየ፥ ምሳይ ስለ ዝኾነ ድማ ኣይክናወጽን እየ።
[መዝሙር 16፡8]

ሽግረይ በዚሑ ምጻር ክኣብየኒ
ሓጋዚ ዘይብለይ በይነይ ክመስለኒ (2)
ኩሉ ሰልክዩኒ ምንባር ከጽልኣኒ
ክንዲ ኩሉ ግን ኔሩ ንኽድግፈኒ
ኣብዚ ዘለኽዎ መታን ከብጽሓኒ (2)

ክንዲ ኹሉ
ኢየሱሰይ’ሲ ክንዲ ኹሉ
ክንዲ ኣቦ ክንዲ ኣደ ክንዲ ሓዊ ሓፍቲ
ቀረባ ቤተሰብ መሓዛ ወይ ዓርኪ
ኢየሱሰይ ክንዲ ኹሉ ክንዲ ኹሉ ኢኻ ንዓይ
ኣብ ኩሉ ምዕራፋት ሂወተይ ዝረኽበካ ኣብ ጎድነይ
ክንዲ ኹሉ . . .

ጸላኢ ተንስአ ኣብ ልዕለይ ክዕወት
ሰናይ መደብ ኣምላኽ ኣብ ልዕለይ ከይፍጸም (2)
ሓሶቱ ነዚሑ ሞተይ ክነግረኒ
ዋጋ ከምዘይብሉ ጻዕረይ ከእምነኒ (2)
ክንዲ ኺሉ እንደሞ ኣለኹልካ ኢሉኒ በለኒ
ንዕለት ናይ ሞተይ ንኸሳግረኒ

ክንዲ ኩሉ . .

℗ © ሰላም ነዚ ቪድዮ ካብዚ ዳውንሎድ ምግባር ን ንዘመርቲ/ንዘማሪ/ንዘማሪት ይኹን ነቲ መዝሙር ብዙሕ ጽቡቕ ስለ ዘይኮነ ከምኡ ውን ጉድኣት ስለ ዘለዎ፡ ብክብረትኩም ካብዚ ቻነል ንዝኾነ ቪዲዮ ዳውንሎድ ምግባርን ምዝርጋሕን ኩልኩል እዩ።

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#ክንዲኩሉ #ምስጋርና #ኣኺሉ #ተመስገን #ተስፋማርያም #ብዘማሪ_ተመስገን_ተስፋማርያም #ዘማሪ #temesgen #msgarna #qdus #yowhannes #ቅዱስ #ዮሐንስ #ሓድሽመዝሙርትግርኛ #ሓድሽ #eritreanmezmur #mezmur #spritualvideo #new #remix #remix2023 #eritrea #eritrean #mezmurorthodox #mezmuramharic #eritreanmezmur #Igremaleku #Igrem_aleku #ygrem_aleku #yonatan #sergo #catholicchurch #ethiopia #mezmur #mezmuramharic #amharicmusic #amharic #tigrignamusic #tigrignamezmur #tigrigna #eritreanmusic #isak_tseggai_official #tigrigna #abba #remix #remixsong #remixer #remixed #remix2023 #remixmusic #remixmezmur #reels #spritual #officialvideo #official #new2023 #new #newvideo #newofficial #mezmurcatholic #eritreancatholicmezmur #eritreancatholicchurch #ethiopiancatholic #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou #jesús #jesuscristo #jesussaves #jesussongs #jesusislord #jesusmessage #marymagdalene #mary #igrem #aleku #remixsong #new2023 #youtube #ethiopia #catholic #catholicchurch #catholictradition #mezmurprotestant #eritreancatholicmezmur #eritreanmusic #eritreanmezmuracatholic #isaktseggai #mezmurcollection #mezmurcatholic #mezmuretewahido #ethiopia #ethiopian #ethiopianmezmur #ethiopianorthodoxmezmur #tewahdomezmur #orthodox_mezmur_lyrics #ethiopianmusic #ethiopiantiktok #mezmuramharic #mezmurcatholic #mezmurcollection #mezmuretewahido #mezmure #mezmurorthodox #isaktseggaiofficial #online #ygremaleku #isak #africa #eritreanewmusic #motivation #sergo #yonathan #cover #coversong #coversongs #covers #cover2023 #cover2022 #remixed #remixsong #amazing #amharicmusicvideo #juba #southsudan #btsegaka #kntsie #choit #christian

የንስሃ መዝሙሮች /ዘማሪ ዲያቆን አቤል መክብብ / ዐብይ ፆም / Ethiopian orthodox
የንስሃ መዝሙሮች /ዘማሪ ዲያቆን አቤል መክብብ / ዐብይ ፆም / Ethiopian orthodox Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

በዐብይ ፆም የሚደመጡ የዘማሪ ዲያቆን አቤል መክብብ መዝሙሮች
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ንዓኻ ምስ ረኸብኩ New Eritrean Catholic mezmur
ንዓኻ ምስ ረኸብኩ New Eritrean Catholic mezmur Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

ኣብ ሰማይ ብጀካኻ መን ኣሎኒ፧
ንኣኻ ካብ ረኸብኩስ፣
ኣብ ምድሪ ዝደልዮ የብለይን።
መዝ ዳዊት 73፥ 25

እግዚኣብሔር ዓቢ፣ንጉስ ፣ህያዉ፣ርሕሩሕን ዘልኣለማዉን ኢዩ።
መንግስቱን ጽድቁን ጥራሕ ምስ እንደሊ
ኩሉ ዘድሌና ክህበና ሙኻኑ ገሊጹልና ኣሎ ማቴ 6:33።

ንጎይታ ሰራዊት ጽድቁ ምስ ረኸብና ኸ እንታይ ኢዩ ዘድልየና ?
በቃ ከምቲ ቅዱስ ጳዉሎስ ናብ ቆላስያስ 3 2-3 ዝጸሓፎ
ሂወትና ምስኡ ምስተሰወረት ንዕኡ ምስ ጠዓምና
ኣብዛ ምድሪ ዘድልየና ወልሓንቲ የልቦን።

በዚ ምኽንያት ምርኩስ ብምግባር
ዝቀንየ ናይ 3 መዓልቲ ሱባኤን ናይ ቁምስናና
ናይ ኢዮቤል ምስጋናን፣ብመዝሙር ከነመስግኖ ዘብቀዓና
እግዚኣብሔር ኣምላኽና ልዑል ምስጋና ይኹኖ

ሰላም ወሰናይ ፍቁራት ተኸታተልቲ ቻነልና Eri Catholic Kidanemihret Frankfurt ኣብዚ ቻነልና ዝፍኖ መንፈሳዊ መደባት ካብ ቁምስናና ኪዳነ ምሕረት ፍራንክፉርትን ከባቢኣን ኮይኑ ንሕና እዉን ብወገንና ንህዝብና ኣብ መንፈሳዊ ዕቤቶም ንምድጋፍ ተባሂሉ በዚ ዳርጋ ኩሉ ሰብ ዝጥቀምሉ ሜድያ ኣገልግሎትና ንህብ።

ኣብዚ ቻነል ካብ ዝፍኖ መደባት:
1.እቲ ኣዉራ ኣገዳሲ ካብኡ ንላዕሊ ናይ ኣምልኾ ጸሎት ዘየለ መስዋዕተ ቅዳሴ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ሰንበት በቋጻጽራ በርሊን ካብ ሰዓት
1:00 ድ.ቀ ይፍኖ።
2.ከምቲ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ሰንበት ናይ ባዕላ መንፈሳዊ ትርጉም ሒዛ ትመጽእ ናይቲ እዋኑ ዝተሰብከ ስብከት ንጽዕን።
3.ሓደስቲ መዛሙር ከምኡ ዉን ዝተደግመ ካቶሊካዊ መዛሙር ስሕት ኢልና ንጽዕን።
4.መሃርቲ ቃለ መሕተት ምስ መንፈሳዉያን ኣቦታትና ካህናት ነዳሉ።
ካልኦት መደባት እዉን ...ወዘት ነዳሉ
ስለዚ ነዚ መንፈሳዊ መደባትና ከምቲ ንኽብሪ እግዚኣብሔር ናባኹም ነቶም ትዕዘብዎ ንኽበጽሕ ወትሩ እንተግህ ካልኦት ኣሕዋት እዉን ክበጽሖም ብመንፈሳዊ ርድኢ SHARE ንበሎ።

Amesgigniwu አመስግኚው Mezmur / By Meaza Alemu Consolata Catholic Chuchu choir
Amesgigniwu አመስግኚው Mezmur / By Meaza Alemu Consolata Catholic Chuchu choir Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

ዘማሪት መዓዛ አለሙ
ከኮንሶላታ ማሪያም ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ ጽሎት
Posted By Sam Carmel

አመስግኚው ነፍሴ ሆይ ተነሺ በዝማሬ
በዝማሬ እግዚአብሔርን ባርኪ
ነፍሴ ሆይ ስራውን ተርኪ
1. ከአፈር ከትቢያ ከውድቀት ያነሳሽ/2/ ነፍሴ ሆይ ተነሺ
የዛሬው አይደለም ያንቺ ማንነትሽ ስዕልሽ የጥንቱን አስቢ
ምስጋናን ዘምሪ ቅኔንም ደርድሪ/2/ ወጥተሸ አደባባይ
ንጉስ ለወደደው እንዲህ ተደረገ ተሰራ ብለሽ ለሰው አሳይ
2. እንደ ኃጥያትሽ ዋጋን አልከፈለሽ አልጣለሽ ጨክኖ አለሰበረሽ
ሀይሉን እንደሚያድስ እንደብርቱ ንስር አረገሽ በምህረቱ ምሮሽ
ፍቅሩ ገኖልሻል ለምስጋና ቁሚ ተነሺ መዝሙርን ዘምሪ
ቸርነት ማዳኑን ለሰው ልጆች አውሪ ንገሪ በይ ተነሽ አብስሪ
3. ውብ አርጎ አሳምሮ በፊቱ ያቆመሽ/2/ አይደለም በስራሽ
እንዲያው በፀጋው ነው እግዚ/ር የረዳሽ ያገዘሽ ይህን ቀን ያሳየሽ
በገና ደርድሪ ክራርን ከርክሪ/2/ ለባለውለታሽ
ምስክር ሁኚለት ምስጋናሽም ይመር አይነስ ላኮራሽ አምላክሽ

🔴 Mezmur Protestant Gospel song | በጥሞና ሚደመጡ ዝማሬዎች | protestant Mezmur  worship 2025
🔴 Mezmur Protestant Gospel song | በጥሞና ሚደመጡ ዝማሬዎች | protestant Mezmur worship 2025 Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

#protestant_mezmur | kingdom sound Worship mezmur | halwotchurch #mezmureproterstant | #protestantmezmur |

FITRET ASHELIBOT | Tamagn Muluneh Mezmur | Dereje Kebede | Protestant Mezmur 2025 | Tesfaye Gabiso Kingdom sound
ልመንህ? (ፀሎት) Eyerusalem Worku (ኢየሩሳሌም ወርቁ) New Gospel song 2025
Nuhamin Teferi/ኑሀሚን ተፈሪ/ ልታዘዝህ እወዳለሁ/letazezih ewedalehu/New protestant song/2025/2017
🙌"ቶሎ ና || Tolo na" Novel Choirs New Amharic song Remix 2025 🔥 🙏❤️ ✝️✅
ቅጥር ሰርተህ|| keter sertehe|| አምልኮ|| Worship|| ወንድም ጥበቡ ወርቅዬ|| Tibebu Workeye|| #tibebuworkeye
ክብሬ ማረጌ ነህ|| kebre marege nehe|| አምልኮ|| worship|| ወንድም ጥበቡ ወርቅዬ|| Tibebu Workeye|| #tibebuworkeye
አባ የውስጤን የልቤን ነግሬህ😭 ጉባኤው በእንባ||ዘማሪት መአዛ ማቴዎስ ||Live worship||Meaza Mathewos#mezmur#protestant#2025
እጅግ ልብ የሚነኩ መዝሙሮች Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur (songs) New Ethiopian Protestant Worship Songs 2025
ረጋ ያሉ መዝሙሮች | New Protestant Mezmur Worship | Mezmur protestant New
ልብ የሚያረሰርሱ የፀሎት መዝሙሮች/አምልኮ/wership/singer/prey/ፀሎት/protestant mezemur/የፅሞና መዝሙር/ለስለስ ያሉ መዝሙሮች
ረጋ ያሉ የፀሎት ጊዜ መዝሙሮች ስብስብ/protestant wership/singer/ebs/new/old/gosple/ዘማሪ/amharic

Daniel Amdemichael ALBUM,JCP CHURCH,Berket lema,Hana Tekle Album,
Meskerm getu,Aster abebe,Daniel amdemicheal,Efrem alemu,Ebenzer tadesse,Yosef kassa,teddy tadesse,Yonathan aklilu,Marcil tv,Eyu chufa,Christ army,workneh alaro,Eden emiru, Yisakor ,Pastor Endale woldegiorgis fenan, Halwot Emmanuel Church,Prophet Zenebe Girma,tibebu workiye mezmur,ጥበቡ ወርቅዬ Tibebu Workeye worship|| #Tibebuworkeye,Prophet Tilahun Tsegaye ECRC, በነብይ ጥላሁን ፀጋዬ|PROPHET TILAHUN TSEGAYE,tamagn Muluneh Mezmur | ዘማሪ ታማኝ ሙሉነህ
befkadu ,Yitbarek Tamiru ዘማሪ ይትባረክ ታምሩ meklit mamo Marcil tv Helina dawit Hana tekle new mezmur hana tekle hana tekle yenefse zmare ሀና ተክሌ የነፍሴ ዝማሬ Bereket tesfaye Samuel nigusse new Protestant mezmur bama tube shema mezmur tube presence tube Abel birhanu prezence tune habesha shema tube Kalkidan nidussie new mezmur melkam wetat new testimony መልካም ወጣት marsil tv melakm wetat testimony Fenan befikadu affan oromo worship bereket tesfaye new mezmur kaleb goa yitbarek alemu new worship yitbarek tamiru new worship Bereket tesfaye mezur,yishak sedik,New mezmur bereket tesfaye, bereket tesfaye new mezmur Christian negn, Christian negn new mezmur bereket tesfaye,Ephrem alemu Bereket tesfaye teddy tadesse donkey tube, dinnk lijoch Amezing new nonstop mezmur Ethiopian new Ethiopian Protestant mezmur , Amharic songs, Ethiopian gospel songs, AMHARIC gospel songs, Amharic Protestant mezmur, new Amharic Protestant songs, new, Protestant Amharic song, Ethiopian evangelical Amharic song Ethiopian, nonstop, mezmur Protestant, nonstop mezmur, nonstop Amharic Protestant mezmur, Eritrean nonstop mezmur, nonstop tigregna mezmur የፀሎት መዝሙሮች, mezmur, gospel songs, Ethiopian Protestant mezmur, new Protestant mezmur, መንፈስን የሚያረሰርሱ የአምልኮ መዝሙሮች,This tags , are created by shematube zekariyas tadesse, nonstop mezmur, yishak sedik, Amharic gospel song, lily tilahun, Amharic mezmur, Samuel Negussie mezmur, yediro mezmur, kingdom sound, mezmur tube, Amharic gospel song, hope music Ethiopian, cj tv, teddy tadesse, mezmur Protestant, Ethiopian, new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian music, teddy afro, ephrem alemu, bereket tesfaye, lily, prophet eyu chufa, yonatan aklilu, abiy ahmed, mihretab, seifu on ebs, marda tube, awtaru kebede, Prophet tamrat demsis,/ holy spirit tv, official yohannes belay, Ethiopian gospel song, Protestant song amezing new nonstop l song new Ethiopian Protestant mezmur 2016,2017, nonstop Protestant mezmur 2024,2023, Amharic Christian mezmur Ethiopian Protestant Amharic mezmur Amharic songs Ethiopian gospel songs AMHARIC gospel song Amharic Protestant mezmur Amharic Protestant songs new Protestant Amharic song evangelical Amharic song Ethiopian Amharic song Ethiopian nonstop Amharic Protestant mezmur Eritrean nonstop tigregna mezmur, Protestant mezmur, gospel song, new Protestant mezmur, song NON STOP MUSIC, Protestant mezmur, m, NEW ETHIOPIAN PROTESTANT MEZMUR no stop Protestant mezmur, slow mezmur, nonstop Amharic, music, songs, orthodox, nonstop, new mezmur, , nonstop orthodox mezmur nonstop mezmur Protestant gospel songs 2020,2021 non st mezmur Protestant mezmur Protestant, mezmur 2020 new, NEW ETHIOPIAN PROTESTANT MEZMUR stop Protestant mezmur, nonstop Protestant slow mezmur, non stop Protestant mezmur, slow mezmur Protestant, Ethiopian new slow music, non si Amharic Protestant mezmur, worship songs, worship so , Christian songs, mezmur, songs, worship Samuel negussie, Samuel negussie full album, biniyam mekonen full album, biniyam mekonen, Samuel negussie mezmur Yosef kassa mezmur Yosef kassa, yosef kassa new mezmur, MARSIL TV, MARSIL TV WORLDWIDE, meskerem getu, surafel hailemariam, dagi tilahun, cover mezmur, alemu, ebenezer tadesse, eden Emiru, cover mezmur new, new cover mezmur tekeste getinet mezmur, tekeste getinet old mezmur, tekeste getinet new mezmur full album, cover music

1.Yidnekachew Teka ብቸኝነት አይሰማኝም  Bechegninet ayisemagnim ይድነቃቸው ተካ
1.Yidnekachew Teka ብቸኝነት አይሰማኝም Bechegninet ayisemagnim ይድነቃቸው ተካ Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago Follow me

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© Copyright: YIDNEKACHEW TEKA MEHAMED, Inc 2022.

🔴 የጥሞና ጊዜ ለስለስ ያሉ ዝማሬዎች | New Protestant Mezmur | Mezmur protestant Amharic Gospel song 2025/2017
🔴 የጥሞና ጊዜ ለስለስ ያሉ ዝማሬዎች | New Protestant Mezmur | Mezmur protestant Amharic Gospel song 2025/2017 Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

#protestant_mezmur | kingdom sound Worship mezmur | halwotchurch #mezmureproterstant | #protestantmezmur |

FITRET ASHELIBOT | Tamagn Muluneh Mezmur | Dereje Kebede | Protestant Mezmur 2025 | Tesfaye Gabiso Kingdom sound
ልመንህ? (ፀሎት) Eyerusalem Worku (ኢየሩሳሌም ወርቁ) New Gospel song 2025
Nuhamin Teferi/ኑሀሚን ተፈሪ/ ልታዘዝህ እወዳለሁ/letazezih ewedalehu/New protestant song/2025/2017
🙌"ቶሎ ና || Tolo na" Novel Choirs New Amharic song Remix 2025 🔥 🙏❤️ ✝️✅
ቅጥር ሰርተህ|| keter sertehe|| አምልኮ|| Worship|| ወንድም ጥበቡ ወርቅዬ|| Tibebu Workeye|| #tibebuworkeye
ክብሬ ማረጌ ነህ|| kebre marege nehe|| አምልኮ|| worship|| ወንድም ጥበቡ ወርቅዬ|| Tibebu Workeye|| #tibebuworkeye
አባ የውስጤን የልቤን ነግሬህ😭 ጉባኤው በእንባ||ዘማሪት መአዛ ማቴዎስ ||Live worship||Meaza Mathewos#mezmur#protestant#2025
እጅግ ልብ የሚነኩ መዝሙሮች Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur (songs) New Ethiopian Protestant Worship Songs 2025
ረጋ ያሉ መዝሙሮች | New Protestant Mezmur Worship | Mezmur protestant New
ልብ የሚያረሰርሱ የፀሎት መዝሙሮች/አምልኮ/wership/singer/prey/ፀሎት/protestant mezemur/የፅሞና መዝሙር/ለስለስ ያሉ መዝሙሮች
ረጋ ያሉ የፀሎት ጊዜ መዝሙሮች ስብስብ/protestant wership/singer/ebs/new/old/gosple/ዘማሪ/amharic

Daniel Amdemichael ALBUM,JCP CHURCH,Berket lema,Hana Tekle Album,
Meskerm getu,Aster abebe,Daniel amdemicheal,Efrem alemu,Ebenzer tadesse,Yosef kassa,teddy tadesse,Yonathan aklilu,Marcil tv,Eyu chufa,Christ army,workneh alaro,Eden emiru, Yisakor ,Pastor Endale woldegiorgis fenan, Halwot Emmanuel Church,Prophet Zenebe Girma,tibebu workiye mezmur,ጥበቡ ወርቅዬ Tibebu Workeye worship|| #Tibebuworkeye,Prophet Tilahun Tsegaye ECRC, በነብይ ጥላሁን ፀጋዬ|PROPHET TILAHUN TSEGAYE,tamagn Muluneh Mezmur | ዘማሪ ታማኝ ሙሉነህ
befkadu ,Yitbarek Tamiru ዘማሪ ይትባረክ ታምሩ meklit mamo Marcil tv Helina dawit Hana tekle new mezmur hana tekle hana tekle yenefse zmare ሀና ተክሌ የነፍሴ ዝማሬ Bereket tesfaye Samuel nigusse new Protestant mezmur bama tube shema mezmur tube presence tube Abel birhanu prezence tune habesha shema tube Kalkidan nidussie new mezmur melkam wetat new testimony መልካም ወጣት marsil tv melakm wetat testimony Fenan befikadu affan oromo worship bereket tesfaye new mezmur kaleb goa yitbarek alemu new worship yitbarek tamiru new worship Bereket tesfaye mezur,yishak sedik,New mezmur bereket tesfaye, bereket tesfaye new mezmur Christian negn, Christian negn new mezmur bereket tesfaye,Ephrem alemu Bereket tesfaye teddy tadesse donkey tube, dinnk lijoch Amezing new nonstop mezmur Ethiopian new Ethiopian Protestant mezmur , Amharic songs, Ethiopian gospel songs, AMHARIC gospel songs, Amharic Protestant mezmur, new Amharic Protestant songs, new, Protestant Amharic song, Ethiopian evangelical Amharic song Ethiopian, nonstop, mezmur Protestant, nonstop mezmur, nonstop Amharic Protestant mezmur, Eritrean nonstop mezmur, nonstop tigregna mezmur የፀሎት መዝሙሮች, mezmur, gospel songs, Ethiopian Protestant mezmur, new Protestant mezmur, መንፈስን የሚያረሰርሱ የአምልኮ መዝሙሮች,This tags , are created by shematube zekariyas tadesse, nonstop mezmur, yishak sedik, Amharic gospel song, lily tilahun, Amharic mezmur, Samuel Negussie mezmur, yediro mezmur, kingdom sound, mezmur tube, Amharic gospel song, hope music Ethiopian, cj tv, teddy tadesse, mezmur Protestant, Ethiopian, new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian music, teddy afro, ephrem alemu, bereket tesfaye, lily, prophet eyu chufa, yonatan aklilu, abiy ahmed, mihretab, seifu on ebs, marda tube, awtaru kebede, Prophet tamrat demsis,/ holy spirit tv, official yohannes belay, Ethiopian gospel song, Protestant song amezing new nonstop l song new Ethiopian Protestant mezmur 2016,2017, nonstop Protestant mezmur 2024,2023, Amharic Christian mezmur Ethiopian Protestant Amharic mezmur Amharic songs Ethiopian gospel songs AMHARIC gospel song Amharic Protestant mezmur Amharic Protestant songs new Protestant Amharic song evangelical Amharic song Ethiopian Amharic song Ethiopian nonstop Amharic Protestant mezmur Eritrean nonstop tigregna mezmur, Protestant mezmur, gospel song, new Protestant mezmur, song NON STOP MUSIC, Protestant mezmur, m, NEW ETHIOPIAN PROTESTANT MEZMUR no stop Protestant mezmur, slow mezmur, nonstop Amharic, music, songs, orthodox, nonstop, new mezmur, , nonstop orthodox mezmur nonstop mezmur Protestant gospel songs 2020,2021 non st mezmur Protestant mezmur Protestant, mezmur 2020 new, NEW ETHIOPIAN PROTESTANT MEZMUR stop Protestant mezmur, nonstop Protestant slow mezmur, non stop Protestant mezmur, slow mezmur Protestant, Ethiopian new slow music, non si Amharic Protestant mezmur, worship songs, worship so , Christian songs, mezmur, songs, worship Samuel negussie, Samuel negussie full album, biniyam mekonen full album, biniyam mekonen, Samuel negussie mezmur Yosef kassa mezmur Yosef kassa, yosef kassa new mezmur, MARSIL TV, MARSIL TV WORLDWIDE, meskerem getu, surafel hailemariam, dagi tilahun, cover mezmur, alemu, ebenezer tadesse, eden Emiru, cover mezmur new, new cover mezmur tekeste getinet mezmur, tekeste getinet old mezmur, tekeste getinet new mezmur full album, cover music

ቤቲ ተዘራ ቁጥር 3 ሙሉ መዝሙር Betty Tezera Vol 3 Full Album Mezmur
ቤቲ ተዘራ ቁጥር 3 ሙሉ መዝሙር Betty Tezera Vol 3 Full Album Mezmur Bluegram 0 Views • 1 day ago

Biograph: Bethelhem Tezera aka Betty is Ethiopian protestant religion gospel singer. She have 4 full albums, EP and some singles...

Bethelhem Tezera Volume 3 full album (ቤቲ) ቤተልሔም ተዘራ ቁጥር 3 ሙሉ መዝሙሮች

ሙሉ መዝሙር የተለቀቀበት ቀን Release Date ፲ ፱ ፻ ፺ ፱ (2007GC)

00:00 1 አልቀርም በመና
05:38 2 ዕድሜዬ በቤትህ ይለቅ
11:21 3 አልጠግብ ባይነት
16:28 4 አልዋሽህም
23:02 5 የእኔ ጌታ ነው
27:38 6 ወዴት አለህ
33:39 7 ኤልራሂም
[Error] 8 ለአፍህ ጠባቂ አኑር
38:31 9 የእግዚአብሔር እጅ
44:04 10 የዝማሬው ጉልበት
48:36 11 የሰላም ትጉ
53:34 12 በየማለዳው
59:18 13 እያባበለኝ

#ethiopia #amharicmezmur #song

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This channel shares Ethiopian protestant songs specially we call spiritual songs (mezmur).

Singer #BethelhemTezera Vol 3 Full Album old mezmur song old mezmur new mezmur 2023 tamrat mezmur 2020 tamrat 2015 protestant mezmur tame volume 10 full album #tamirathaile vol 10 full #full_album Ethiopia mezmur #mezmureproterstant protestant mezmur 2023
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Protestant mezmur ድንቅ የአምልኮ መዝሙሮች Amazing Worship songs new 2023 Ethiopia 2020 Presence Tube #mezmur protestant, protestant mezmur, mezmur, ethiopian protestant mezmur, ethiopian mezmur protestant, amharic worship songs, protestant mezmur amharic new 2020,Mezmur Protestant የመንፈስ እረፍት የሚሰጡ መዝሙሮች protestant song Ethiopia new protestant song ethiopia addis mezmur , mezmur, mezmur tube mezmur clip mezmur video, 2020 new mezmur , new amharic mezmur , amazing new protestant mezmur የፀሎትመዝሙሮች morningworshipsongs Amazing new non stop protestant #gospel song collection,new Ethiopian protestant mezmur 2023 Amazing new non stop mezmur collection Ethiopian protestant mezmur 2015 ,Amharic Christian mezmur #EthiopianGospelsongs #AMHARICgospelsong
Amharic protestant mezmur New Amharic protestant songs Ethiopian protestant Amharic mezmur.

Showing 7 out of 8