
The Gursha Gang swaps bachelorhood for doubtful offerings in their quest for love. Join them on a side-splitting journey through the kitchen, filled with questionable techniques, culinary confusion, and enough laughter to burn off any post-feast calories.
Will their attempts at gourmet impress, or will they be left single and sizzling with regret? Watch and find out!
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Miss Leyu is a fashion icon to many and today she is put to the test as she is trying to come up with outfits right on the spot on Dink TV!
የልዩ የመጀመርያ ቀን የፍቅር ቀጠሮ እና የልብስ ምርጫዋ !!
በዛሬው ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ .... ሚስ ልዩ የሷን የግል ቀጠሮዎች እና ፋሽንን አጣምራ ታሳየናለች!!
ሚስ ልዩ እና የፋሽን ምርጫዋ ዛሬ በድንቅ ቲቪ ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ላይ ይዘንላቹ ቀርበናል !!
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On this episode of Gursha gang, we have 3 girls to cook for one guy. Who will impress the guy?
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D!NK cribs is taking you to explore a stunning 600 sq.m mansion around the African CDC area. This 13 bedroom, 11 bathroom, mansion features a modern open kitchen, spacious living areas, a luxurious bathroom, and an expansive hallway that is perfect for entertaining🏠✨
Watch the whole episode on D!NK TV now.
ድንቅ ክሪብስ በአፍሪካ ሲዲሲ አካባቢ የሚገኝ በ600 ካሬ ሜትር ቦታ ላይ ያረፈ አስደናቂ መኖሪያ ቤትን ይዞላቹ ቀርቧል።፡ ። ይህ ባለ 13 መኝታ ቤቶች ፣ 11 መታጠቢያ ቤቶች ፣ መኖሪያ ቤት ዘመናዊ ኩሽና ፣ ሰፊ ሳሎኖች እንዲሁም ለ5-6 መኪናዎች ማቆሚያ፣ የውሃ ታንከሮች እና ዘመናዊ ጀነሬተር ይይዛል። ሙሉ ቪዲዮውን በዩቲዩብ ቻናላችን ይመልከቱ
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🌟 Step into a world of late-night magic as Bobby takes the stage, playing the charismatic host of our sensational Dink TV show. 🌙✨ Tonight, he's joined by the extraordinary designer, Tsion from Miss T-Cal Designs, adding an enchanting touch to our episode.
🎬 Brace yourself for captivating conversations that delve into the world of design, creativity, life, love, and more. Tsion's unique perspective and artistic flair will leave you inspired and in awe.
🌌 Grab your popcorn and settle in, because this late-night rendezvous promises to keep you hooked till the very end! 🍿🔥 Tune in to Dink TV and be part of the magic! 📺✨
ባቢ የኛን አስደናቂ የዲንቅ ቲቪ ሾው በማራኪ ሁኔታ መድረክ እየመራ የማታ ሾው ወደ ሚጫወትበት ዓለም ይግቡ። 🌙✨ ዛሬ ማታ፣ ከማይስ ቲ-ካል ልዩ ዲዛይነር ጋር ተቀላቅሏል፣ ይህም ለትዕይንታችን አስደናቂ ሁነት ይፈጥራል።
🎬 ወደ ዲዛይን፣ ፈጠራ፣ ህይወት፣ ፍቅር እና ሌሎችም አለም ውስጥ ለሚገቡ አጓጊ ንግግሮች እራስዎን ያዘጋጁ። የፅዮን ልዩ እይታ እና ጥበባዊ ችሎታዋም መነሳሳትን እና አድናቆትን ይፈጥራል።
🌌 ፋንዲሻህን ያዝ እና ተቀመጥ፣ ምክንያቱም ይህ የምሽት ንግግር እስከመጨረሻው እንድትመለከት ቃል ተገብቷል! 🍿🔥 ድንቅ ቲቪን ይከታተሉ እናም የዚህም አስማት አካል ይሁኑ 📺✨
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Vic is obsessed with Shiro so we found three lovely ladies to cook it for him. Who will win a date with this handsome bachelor? 👩🍳🥰
If you like this, you’ll love our speed dating event happening this Friday! (Oct 18) sign up through this link https://chapa.events/to/dink-speed-dating-oct
ቪክ ሶስቱ ቆነጃጂቶች የሰሩትን ሽሮ ለመቅመስ ጓግቷል። የትኛዋ እድለኛ ትሆን ከዚህ መልከመልካም ወንድ ጋር ብላይንዴት የምትወጣው?
በቀጣይ ዝግጅታችን ላይ ልመቅረግ ይፈልጋሉ? እንግዲያውስ ለመመዝገብ ከታች ያለዉን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ።
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#dinktv #dinkyoutube #ድንቅ #YoutubeBlack #Gurshagang #africanFood #ethiopia #ethiopianfood #culinary #cuisine #guadachallange #foodie #shiro #ሽሮ #habeshafoods

In this mouthwatering episode of Gursha Gang, Henok is in for a treat as three talented women compete to win his heart through cooking. Each creates their own version of a delicious pumpkin stew, pouring their unique flavors and personalities into the dish. But this isn't just about taste—Henok must decide who deserves a romantic date based on their connection, creativity, and the stories behind their recipes. Will the stew that warms his stomach also warm his heart? Tune in to find out who steals Henok's gursha—and his affection!
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Join us for an exciting episode of Gursha Gang on D!NK TV! 🐟🍳 As we embark on a fun cooking challenge filled with laughter, creativity, and a touch of romance! 💕 Watch as Yohannes, Bamlak, and Yoseph prepare their signature dishes 🍽, hoping to impress with their culinary skills and unique flavors. 🍲✨ Tune in to see who wins the hearts and tastebuds of our special guest and enjoy some heartwarming moments along the way! 💖
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Gursha Gang is back with a spicy twist! We challenged our Gursha Gang MEN to cook Gomen for our special lady in just 20 minutes. The pressure was on, the tears were flowing, and the threats were flying. But guess what? The winner she chooses will SHOCK YOU!
Don't miss this hilarious episode to see if love can bloom over burnt Gomen... or if it'll just be an awkward mess.
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🎆🍾 New Year, new sparks! Watch as three men battle it out in the kitchen, each cooking their best "MINCHET" to impress our blind date, Suzana. Only one lucky man will earn a date—who will spice things up and win her heart? 🍽💘
If you like this, you’ll love our speed dating event happening this Friday! (Oct 18) sign up through this link https://chapa.events/to/dink-speed-dating-oct
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ሳራ ባላት በጀት መሰረት የአዲስ አበባን ምርጥ ስፍራዎች ዞር ዞር እያለች በድጋሜ ልታስቃኘን ቀርባለች። ሞቅ ሞቅ ያሉ ካፌዎችን እንዲሁም የሙሽራ ቀሚሶችን የምናገኝበትን ቦታዎች በማሳየት ገንዘባችንን በደንብ የምንጠቀምበትን መንገድ ታሳየናለች!
ዛሬ በድንቅ ቲቪ እንደኪሴ ላይ ይጠብቁን!
Sara is back exploring the best of Addis Ababa on a budget! From cozy cafes to wedding dress shopping,
Endekise will show you how to make your money count! 🤑💸
Tune into Dink TV for more affordable living!
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🎙️ Join the Dink Soulcast with host Bobby Abeselom for an insightful discussion on relationships, situationships, and the current landscape of Habesha dating! 💬 This episode features Henok Weldemicael, Co-Founder and CEO of Jebena, the leading online dating app for the Habesha community. ❤️ Don’t miss this engaging conversation with a tech leader in the Habesha community! Tune in to learn more! 📲✨
በባቢ አቤሴሎም አቅራቢነርት፥ ስለሀበሻ የፍቅር ግንኙነቶችና ወቅታዊ በሆኑ የፍቅር ጓደኝነት ዙሪያ የሚያጠነጥነውን ልዩና ግንዛቤ ሰጪ ውይይት ለመመልከት አሁኑኑ ድንቅ ሶልካስትን ይቀላቀሉ። 🎧 በዚህ ክፍል ላይ ለሃበሻ ማህበረሰብ የፍቅር አጋሮችን የሚምርጡበትን ግንባር ቀደም የኢንተርኔት መተግበሪያ ይዞ ብቅ ያለውን፥ የጀበና ዋና ስራ አስኪያጅ ሄኖክ ወልደሚካኤልን ይዘንላችሁ ቀርበናል። 🌟 ታዲያ በሃገራችን ቴክኖሎጂ ላይ ፈር ቀዳጅ ከሆነው ሄኖክ ጋር ያደረግነው ልብ አንጠልጣይ ውይይት እንዳያወልጥዎ ዛሬውኑ የቻናላችን ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ! 🎉
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In today's episode of Gursha Gang, join us for a fun-filled cooking challenge where three friends (Golden Trio) whip up their favorite dishes to impress one lucky guy! 🌟👩🍳 From culinary mishaps to heartfelt moments, watch as they navigate flavors, friendships, and potential romances. 💖 Who will win his heart with their cooking? Will this delicious competition bring them closer together? Tune in to find out! 🍽❤️✨
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Join Bella in her heartfelt "Ask Me Anything" session as she shares her dreams, life in Ethiopia, and personal stories! 🌍✨ From her family values to her favorite places, Bella’s candid responses will inspire and resonate with you. Don’t miss this chance to connect and learn more about her journey!
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👀In this Ask Me Anything episode, fashion icon and influencer Miss Leyu sat down to answer all your questions. From self-love and body positivity to beauty tips, Miss Leyu tells it all!
Watch the video on our YouTube channel and don't forget to leave a comment. Link in bio.
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Get ready for an epic 24-hour adventure in Addis Ababa with L.A. content creator Afomia and her big brother! 🌆
Coming tonight to our YouTube channel, they'll take you on a whirlwind tour starting with the best croissants at FERESULA cafe, a pampering session at Raha Spa, hilarious moments at MITMITA, indulging in sweet treats at The Dessert Bar, and ending the night with a feast at High Altitude Kitchen. Don't miss out on the fun! 🎉🍽
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Join Sara Hassan on D!NK's Endekise for a budget adventure in Meskel Adebay! With only $100 in her pocket, she'll show you how to have a fantastic day filled with good eats, exploration, and unexpected fun.
Discover the joy of living within your means and making the most of what you have!
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