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እኔና አንቺ - Ethiopian Movie Enena Anchi 2025 Full Length Ethiopia Film Ene Ena Anchi 2025
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Join Sara Hassan on D!NK's Endekise for a budget adventure in Meskel Adebay! With only $100 in her pocket, she'll show you how to have a fantastic day filled with good eats, exploration, and unexpected fun.
Discover the joy of living within your means and making the most of what you have!
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This is one of comedian Eshetus stand up comedy show which was has been shot a year and half ago. comedian Eshetu is a well known stand up comedian in Ethiopia who raise social issues in his comedy works , he criticizes wrong doings of those who are in power by raising amazing logic and the reality of the society .
The sole producer of this show is Comedian Eshetu Meleses who is also the founder and CEO of Donkey Tube.
this comedy show takes place in september 2019
to contact the channel pleases use the following address
0911 66 62 47
[email protected]
Please watch: "ድጋሚ 100,000 ብር ልበላ ነው እንዴ? አረ ተጨነኩ!!! #friends #award #ethiopia #word #school"

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ዛሬ በድንቅ ቲቪ እንደኪሴ ላይ ይጠብቁን!
Sara is back exploring the best of Addis Ababa on a budget! From cozy cafes to wedding dress shopping,
Endekise will show you how to make your money count! 🤑💸
Tune into Dink TV for more affordable living!
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