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As we said we will see you in the next episodes, here we wait for the day, answered by the comedian Eshetu and we have sent you the twelfth episode of the Wegesha YouTubers training session given by the coach Perfect Fisha. In today's lesson we have seen how to control our bad emotions and how to control our emotions.Donkey Youtube has prepared this YouTube lesson for you for free so that you can learn it at home. Next episodes will be brought to you while waiting for their time. Thanks for following us.

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i pray that what you hear on this channel will encourage you and help you follow God more closely.

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SALAWKEW || Tamagn Muluneh Mezmur || New Protestant Mezmur 2024 || Official Video
SAMUEL NEGUSSIE “ ትወደኛለህ" NEW VIDEO መዝሙር New Ethiopian Protestant mezmur 2017/2024!!!
ኧረ እግዚአብሔር ፍቅር ነው !ቤቲ ተዘራ#Ere​ Egziabher Fikir New # Betty Tezera 2017/ 2024
Mesay Birhanu @ Kingdom Sound Worship Night 2024 " Halleluya " Original Song By Muluken Melesse
Addisu Terefe @ Kingdom Sound Worship Night 2024 'Gena Bizu Ayalehu' Original Song By Lealem Tilahun
Solomon Alemu | ACHI | New Afaan Oromo Gospel song (Official Music Video) 2024/2017
Addisu Terefe @ Kingdom Sound Worship Night 2024 'Gena Bizu Ayalehu' Original Song By Lealem Tilahun
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Jossy kassa,chelina mezmur
አድራሻዬ Singer Yisakor Nigusu | Adrashaye | Kidan band
9.አልተረሳሁም//Alteresahum//Hanna Tekle//Nov'2024
ስንት ጊዜ አነሳኸኝ “|| Piniel Asefa ፕንኤል አሰፋ || New protestant mezmur worship 2024 || ያንን ጭጋግ ደመናውን ||
3.ወዳጅ//Wedaj//Hanna Tekle//Nov'2024
Kaleab Mengistu @ Kingdom Sound Worship Night 2024 '' Eyemarkegn '' Original Song By Aster Abebe,Track 03 Hallelujah |ሃሌሉያ | Aster Abebe Vol 2,Hallelujah |ሃሌሉያ | Aster Abebe Vol 2 Full Album,ይረዳል ይደግፋል | Tamagn Muluneh Mezmur | ዘማሪ ታማኝ ሙሉነህ | Halwot E.U.C | Live Worship,እጅ ለእጃችን//EJ-LE-EJACHIN TEYAYIZEN//NEW GOSPEL SONG REMIX ALBUM VOL 1//2024//
የሚመጣ //
በማለዳ//Bemaleda//Hanna Tekle//Nov'2024

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