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ትጥቅ ፍታ ሻጠማ እድር አጭር ኮሜዲ Shatama Edire Ethiopian Comedy(Episode 369)
ትጥቅ ፍታ ሻጠማ እድር አጭር ኮሜዲ Shatama Edire Ethiopian Comedy(Episode 369) Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

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ሻጠማ እድር አጭር ኮሜዲ Shatama Edire Ethiopian Comedy
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ሻጠማ እድር አጭር ኮሜዲ
Shatama Edire Ethiopian Comedy
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#Ethiopian Comedy

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Gets 21 ኢንተርቴይንመንት በየቀኑ :አዳዲስ አዝናኝ ቪዲዮዎችን እና ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችን ወደናንተ ያደርሳል
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DIDI GAGA - WOZE | ዎዜ - New Ethiopian Music 2022 (Official Video)
DIDI GAGA - WOZE | ዎዜ - New Ethiopian Music 2022 (Official Video) Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Ethiopian Music : DIDI GAGA - WOZE | ዎዜ - New Ethiopian Music 2022 (Official Video)
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የዐብይ ጾም/የስቅለት መዝሙር | Yesikletezmurb#ethiopia #orthodox #mezmur (@dannytube7523)
የዐብይ ጾም/የስቅለት መዝሙር | Yesikletezmurb#ethiopia #orthodox #mezmur (@dannytube7523) Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

#የዐብይ_ጾም #የስቅለት_መዝሙር #new Yesikletezmurb#ethiopia #orthodox #mezmur
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Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Mezmur.

ሃሌ ሉያ። እግዚአብሔርን በመቅደሱ አመስግኑት፤ በኃይሉ ጠፈር አመስግኑት። በችሎቱ አመስግኑት፤ በታላቅነቱ ብዛት አመስግኑት። በመለከት ድምፅ አመስግኑት፤ በበገናና በመሰንቆ አመስግኑት። በከበሮና በዘፈን አመስግኑት፤ በአውታርና በእምቢልታ አመስግኑት። ድምፁ መልካም በሆነ ጸናጽል አመስግኑት፤ እልልታ ባለው ጸናጽል አመስግኑት። እስትንፋስ ያለው ሁሉ እግዚአብሔርን ያመስግን። ሃሌ ሉያ።

Mezmur (መዝሙር)(መዝሙሮች): means Spiritual songs, may be described as the songs which are spontaneous and are inspired by the Holy Spirit itself. They are also referred to as a type of Psalm. In the Book of Psalms the poems are titled under “song” or “hymn.” Praise songs or worship songs are those songs where music is the main feature of the song and is accompanied by many different instruments. These songs may be influenced by different cultures and music also. Amazing Ethiopian Orthodox songs ምርጥ መዝሙሮች orthodox mezmur new collection mariam mezmuroch 2020 new orthodox songs arsema tube.

Zearyam, ዘአርያም, Ethiopian orthodox mezmur, ye maryam mezmur, mahtot tube, zemari tewodros yosef.

ዝማሬ መላእክት ያሰማልን ሳይሉ እንዳያልፉ።

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