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YouTube Automaion in Ethiopia | YouTube Automation Full course in Amharic
YouTube Automaion in Ethiopia | YouTube Automation Full course in Amharic Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

faceless YouTube channel በAi ከፈትኩ | YouTube Automation Full course in Amharic

Youtube automation በቀላሉ በዚ መንገድ ጀምሩ| Youtube automation step by step
#onlinemakemoney #besumoney #youtubeautomation #youtubeshorts #youtube

📌 Group 👥

1. Chat GPt-
2. Krea Ai -
3. Namelix-
4. bing Chat-
5. ideogram-
6. Vidiq-
5. CapCut -​
6. Pexels-
7. Adobe for animation-

⏰ Time Stamp

00:00 Introduction
03:46 Step 1 Choose Niche
06:55 Step 2 Choose Name
15:39 Step 3 Channel Banner And Logo
34:36 Step 4 Create A channel
51:56 Step 5 Generate video ideas
56:35 Step 6 script and make video
1:39:11 Step 7 Final result
1:40:59 Step 8 Secret Trick

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🛑 የተመረጡ ቆየት ያሉ የድሮ መዝሙሮች| Protestant Mezmur new | Amharic Mezmur protestant | mezmur Protestant 2024
🛑 የተመረጡ ቆየት ያሉ የድሮ መዝሙሮች| Protestant Mezmur new | Amharic Mezmur protestant | mezmur Protestant 2024 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

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i pray that what you hear on this channel will encourage you and help you follow God more closely.

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SALAWKEW || Tamagn Muluneh Mezmur || New Protestant Mezmur 2024 || Official Video
SAMUEL NEGUSSIE “ ትወደኛለህ" NEW VIDEO መዝሙር New Ethiopian Protestant mezmur 2017/2024!!!
ኧረ እግዚአብሔር ፍቅር ነው !ቤቲ ተዘራ#Ere​ Egziabher Fikir New # Betty Tezera 2017/ 2024
Mesay Birhanu @ Kingdom Sound Worship Night 2024 " Halleluya " Original Song By Muluken Melesse
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Addisu Terefe @ Kingdom Sound Worship Night 2024 'Gena Bizu Ayalehu' Original Song By Lealem Tilahun
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9.አልተረሳሁም//Alteresahum//Hanna Tekle//Nov'2024
ስንት ጊዜ አነሳኸኝ “|| Piniel Asefa ፕንኤል አሰፋ || New protestant mezmur worship 2024 || ያንን ጭጋግ ደመናውን ||
3.ወዳጅ//Wedaj//Hanna Tekle//Nov'2024
Kaleab Mengistu @ Kingdom Sound Worship Night 2024 '' Eyemarkegn '' Original Song By Aster Abebe,Track 03 Hallelujah |ሃሌሉያ | Aster Abebe Vol 2,Hallelujah |ሃሌሉያ | Aster Abebe Vol 2 Full Album,ይረዳል ይደግፋል | Tamagn Muluneh Mezmur | ዘማሪ ታማኝ ሙሉነህ | Halwot E.U.C | Live Worship,እጅ ለእጃችን//EJ-LE-EJACHIN TEYAYIZEN//NEW GOSPEL SONG REMIX ALBUM VOL 1//2024//
የሚመጣ //
በማለዳ//Bemaleda//Hanna Tekle//Nov'2024

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#shewaferawdesalegn #movie #comedy

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The Fashion Challenge with Miss Leyu | ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ከሚስ ልዩ ጋር !! Episode 08
The Fashion Challenge with Miss Leyu | ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ከሚስ ልዩ ጋር !! Episode 08 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Miss Leyu is a fashion icon to many and today she is put to the test as she is trying to come up with outfits right on the spot on Dink TV!

የልዩ የመጀመርያ ቀን የፍቅር ቀጠሮ እና የልብስ ምርጫዋ !!
በዛሬው ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ .... ሚስ ልዩ የሷን የግል ቀጠሮዎች እና ፋሽንን አጣምራ ታሳየናለች!!

ሚስ ልዩ እና የፋሽን ምርጫዋ ዛሬ በድንቅ ቲቪ ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ላይ ይዘንላቹ ቀርበናል !!

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ስኬታማ ለመሆን መስዋዕትነት መክፈል ያስፈልጋል - Part 01 - Dr. Arega Yirdaw - S010 EP101
ስኬታማ ለመሆን መስዋዕትነት መክፈል ያስፈልጋል - Part 01 - Dr. Arega Yirdaw - S010 EP101 Bluegram 1 Views • 2 days ago

መሪዎች Join Us for an Inspiring Episode with Dr. Arega Yirdaw, President of Unity University: the former longest-serving CEO of MIDROC Technology Group!

In this enlightening episode of the MERI Podcast, we feature Dr. Arega Yirdaw, a distinguished leader known for his transformative impact on Ethiopia’s business and education sectors. With a remarkable career spanning over four decades, Dr. Arega served as the CEO of MIDROC Technology Group, leading one of Ethiopia’s largest conglomerates for two decades.

In this episode, Dr. Arega dives deep into a broad range of topics:
- Leadership Journey
- Business Philosophy
- Management and running big operations
- Personality and Running a Business
- Business Sectors

Tune in as he shares valuable insights from his professional journey and offers advice for managers!
Please find his books, Managing Organizational Structure: Practical Design and Application, Managing Gold Mine Production and Operation: A Practical Application, The Role of Governance in Quality of Education in Private Higher Education Institutions: Ethiopia as a Case Study on Amazon as well as Jafar Book Store and Unity Library at Gerji.

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell for more incredible content from us.

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00:00 - Introduction
02:53 - Opening
03:59 - the begining of his professional journey
05:07 - from professional work to the business world
08:15 - Running Midroc
20:42 - Decsion making process
29:30 - Running 26 Companies
36:54 - Role of Personality in managing a business
54:28 - the influence of coming from an engineering background and lesson learned from the USA
01:02:22 - The thought process of joining a whole new business sector
01:05:24 - Organizational structure
01:16:07 - Focus area as a CEO
01:31:24 - is it possible to run 26 companies at once?
01:37:40 - Reporting and Meetings

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🛑 የጸሎት ጊዜ ልብ የሚነኩ ለስለስ ያሉ መዝሙሮች | Protestant Mezmur  | New Amharic Mezmur protestant Worship
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FITRET ASHELIBOT | Tamagn Muluneh Mezmur | Dereje Kebede | Protestant Mezmur 2025 | Tesfaye Gabiso Kingdom sound
ልመንህ? (ፀሎት) Eyerusalem Worku (ኢየሩሳሌም ወርቁ) New Gospel song 2025
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ክብሬ ማረጌ ነህ|| kebre marege nehe|| አምልኮ|| worship|| ወንድም ጥበቡ ወርቅዬ|| Tibebu Workeye|| #tibebuworkeye
አባ የውስጤን የልቤን ነግሬህ😭 ጉባኤው በእንባ||ዘማሪት መአዛ ማቴዎስ ||Live worship||Meaza Mathewos#mezmur#protestant#2025
እጅግ ልብ የሚነኩ መዝሙሮች Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur (songs) New Ethiopian Protestant Worship Songs 2025
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ላጤ ፍቅርን ፍለጋ ክፍል 11 || 🔥 Messiah Faces Bethel’s Father 😱👀 || Latéy Episode 11
ላጤ ፍቅርን ፍለጋ ክፍል 11 || 🔥 Messiah Faces Bethel’s Father 😱👀 || Latéy Episode 11 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

The journey to love takes a serious turn in Episode 11 of Latey! 💍💘 Bethel invites Messiah into her home to meet her father and brother—a moment that could make or break her future with the bachelor. Will her family approve? Will this meeting strengthen their bond or raise unexpected challenges? 😱👀

With the final decision drawing near, tensions are high, emotions are raw, and every moment counts. One step closer to the endgame—who will win Messiah’s heart?

👉 Don't miss this intense episode full of drama, surprises, and heartfelt moments. Subscribe to Dink TV now and turn on notifications! 🔔

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