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እስረኛው አዲስ ኮሜዲ ድራማ || esregnaw new comedy drama Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

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The Fashion Challenge with Miss Leyu | ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ከሚስ ልዩ ጋር !! Episode 08
The Fashion Challenge with Miss Leyu | ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ከሚስ ልዩ ጋር !! Episode 08 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Miss Leyu is a fashion icon to many and today she is put to the test as she is trying to come up with outfits right on the spot on Dink TV!

የልዩ የመጀመርያ ቀን የፍቅር ቀጠሮ እና የልብስ ምርጫዋ !!
በዛሬው ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ .... ሚስ ልዩ የሷን የግል ቀጠሮዎች እና ፋሽንን አጣምራ ታሳየናለች!!

ሚስ ልዩ እና የፋሽን ምርጫዋ ዛሬ በድንቅ ቲቪ ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ላይ ይዘንላቹ ቀርበናል !!

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ለ አብይ ፆም የተመረጡ የንስሃ መዝሙሮች  | ye abiy tsom mezmur - Ethiopian Orthodox Mezmur - ቁጥር 4
ለ አብይ ፆም የተመረጡ የንስሃ መዝሙሮች | ye abiy tsom mezmur - Ethiopian Orthodox Mezmur - ቁጥር 4 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago


ቁጥር 4 ለ አብይ ፆም የተመረጡ የንስሃ መዝሙሮች

1,ዘማሪት ፋንቱ ወልዴ
''በዕፀ መስቀል ላይ"

2,ዘማሪ ዳዊት ፈንታዬ
ህሙም ስላዳነ

3,ዘማሪ ዲ.ን እስጢፋኖስ ጌቱ
ድንግል አለቀሰች

4,ሊቀ መዘምራን ኪነጥበብ ወልደ ቂርቆስ
አልፋና ኦሜጋ ፈጣሪ የሆንክ

( በፆም ወቅት የሚዘመሩ መዝሙሮች )

ዓብይ ፃም




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ላጤ ፍቅርን ፍለጋ ክፍል 11 || 🔥 Messiah Faces Bethel’s Father 😱👀 || Latéy Episode 11
ላጤ ፍቅርን ፍለጋ ክፍል 11 || 🔥 Messiah Faces Bethel’s Father 😱👀 || Latéy Episode 11 Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

The journey to love takes a serious turn in Episode 11 of Latey! 💍💘 Bethel invites Messiah into her home to meet her father and brother—a moment that could make or break her future with the bachelor. Will her family approve? Will this meeting strengthen their bond or raise unexpected challenges? 😱👀

With the final decision drawing near, tensions are high, emotions are raw, and every moment counts. One step closer to the endgame—who will win Messiah’s heart?

👉 Don't miss this intense episode full of drama, surprises, and heartfelt moments. Subscribe to Dink TV now and turn on notifications! 🔔

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DIDI GAGA - WOZE | ዎዜ - New Ethiopian Music 2022 (Official Video)
DIDI GAGA - WOZE | ዎዜ - New Ethiopian Music 2022 (Official Video) Bluegram 1 Views • 1 day ago

Ethiopian Music : DIDI GAGA - WOZE | ዎዜ - New Ethiopian Music 2022 (Official Video)
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