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0 Views • 12/03/25
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በዚህ የፍጥረት ፖድካስት፤ ታዋቂዋ ኮንቴንት ክሬተር እና ኢንፍሉዌንሰር ምዕራፍ ተስፋዬን ወይም በቅፅል ስሟ ማንሲያን ጋብዘንላችኋል፡፡ በህይወቷ ውስጥ የነበሩ ሁነቶችን፤ ከልጅነት አስተዳደጓ ጀምራ፤ የቅፅል ስሟ አወጣጥ ከጓደኞቿ ጋር እንደሚያያዝ አጫውታናለች፡፡ ምዕራፍ በተጨማሪም ትምህርት ቤት የነበራትን ጊዜ ፤ ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርስቲ መግባቷን እና ምን እንድትወጣ እንዳደረጋት አጋርታናለች፡፡

ምዕራፍ ኮንቴንት መስራት እና ቲክቶ ላይ መውጣት የጀመረችው በኮቪድሰአት እንደነበረም እንዲሁ ተናግራለች፤ ቲክቶክ እና ኢንስታግራምም በስፋት የምትጠቀመው ድህረገፅ ነው፡፡ ቲክቶክ ላይቭ መግባት ጥሩ የገቢ ምንጭ መሆኑን እና ማህበራዊ ሚድያ አጠቃቀምን እንድታስተካክሉም ተናግራለች፡፡ ምዕራፍ በተጨማሪም ኢንስታግራም ላይ ስላሉ እና ስለሚደርሷ አሉታዊ አስተያየቶች ተጠይቃ፤ ምንም እንደማይመስላት እና፤ ችግር እና ፈተናዎችን ወደ እድገት የመለወጥ አቅም እንዳላት ተናግራለች፡፡

ጭውውቱ እየጠለቀ ሲሄድ ስለ ግል ፍላጎቶቿ፤ ስለምትወዳቸው አርቲስቶች እንዲሁም ሰውነቷ ላይ ስላሉ ንቅሳቶች አጫውታናለች፡፡ ምዕራፍ ብዙ ገንዘብ የምታወጣበትን ምክንያት ስትጤቅም፤ ፀጉር ላይ ገንዘብ እንደምታወጣ እና እንደሚያስደስታት ተናግራለች፡፡ በተጨማሪም መቀሌ ውስጥ የነበረ ክለብን ለማስተዋወቅ መሄዷን እና እንደ ኢትዮጲያዊ የፋሽን እና የመዝናኛ ሰው ያሉባትን የስራ ሃለፊነቶችም አጫውታናለች፡፡

በመጨረሻም ምዕፍ ከእናንተ ከአድናቂዎቿ የመጣላትን የካርድ ጥያቄ መልሳለች፡፡ ልጅ መውለድ እንደማትፈልግ እና በህይወት ላይ ያላት እይታ ምን እንደሚመስልም አጫውታናለች፤ ይሄም መልስ አድናቁዎቿን ውዥንብር ውስጥ ሊከት እንዲችልም እናስባለን፡፡ ሌሎች ኢትዮጲያ ውስጥ ያሉ ትልልቅ ኮንቴንት ክሬተሮችን እንድንጋብዝላችሁ ቻናላችንን ላይክ፤ ሼር እና ሰብስክራይብ አድርጉ፤ ስራዎቻችን በፍጥነት እንዲደርሷችሁም የደውል ምልክቷን ተጫኑ፡፡

In this episode of the Fitret Podcast, we are joined by the talented content creator and influencer Mearaf Tesfaye, popularly known as Mansiya. She takes us on a journey through her life, starting with her childhood and the origin of her unique nickname, which was given to her by friends. Mearaf also reflects on her school days, her time at Unity University, and why she decided to drop out to pursue her passion.

Mearaf shares how she began creating content on TikTok during the COVID-19 pandemic, a platform where she is now very active alongside Instagram. She talks about how TikTok Live has become a source of income and how she navigates the world of social media. Mearaf also opens up about dealing with negative comments on Instagram and her posts, showing her resilience and ability to turn challenges into growth.

The conversation dives deeper into her personal interests, from her favorite artists to the meaning behind her tattoos. Mearaf also reveals her spending habits, especially her love for investing in hair care. Additionally, she shares stories about promoting clubs in Mekele and her vibrant lifestyle as a content creator in the Ethiopian fashion and entertainment scene.

Wrapping up, Mearaf answers fan questions directly from the cards, giving candid insights into her life. She discusses her decision not to have kids and her views on life, leaving fans with a mix of inspiration and relatability. Don’t miss this engaging and heartfelt episode! Make sure to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications for more amazing stories from Ethiopia's top creators.

#FitretPodcast #MearafTesfaye #Mansiya #EthiopianInfluencers #ContentCreator #FashionContent #TikTokLive #InstagramInfluencer #EthiopianPodcast #UnityUniversity #TattooLover #HairCareObsessed #MekeleTrip #ClubPromotion #COVIDCreativity #NegativeComments #SocialMediaJourney #FavoriteArtists #NoKidsChoice #FanQuestions #EthiopianContent #TikTokCommunity #InstagramReels #EthiopianWomen #DigitalInfluencer #ContentCreationJourney #ebsworldwide #seifuonebs #ebstv

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